Due to Labour Day, many businesses and public services in Laval are modifying their schedules.
As for the city of Laval, the citizen relations desk, the sales counter for cat and dog permits, tax, assessment, engineering and urban planning counters, the municipal court and social emergencies will all be closed tomorrow.
Citizen reception counters, neighbourhood police stations and the gendarmerie will be open, while the police headquarters will not be accessible.
The 311 telephone service will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Cultural and Sports Facilities
The libraries, the Maison des arts de Laval, and the Salle Alfred-Pellan will be closed tomorrow, as will the community centres.
The park and Centre de la nature facilities will remain open, according to the usual schedule. The same goes for the arenas and water playgrounds in Laval, with some exceptions. City-owned indoor pools will instead be closed.
Other Establishments
Across the province, most grocery stores, retail businesses, shopping centres and SQDC branches will be closed. The same applies for banks, as well as federal and provincial service points,
However, small grocery stores, restaurants, pharmacies, convenience stores, bars, gas stations and SAQ branches, unless they’re in a mall, should all be open.
The Société de transport de Laval (STL) will change its schedule on Labour Day. Buses will offer Sunday service.
This will also be the case for the suburban train, while the exo2 Saint-Jérôme line will offer the weekend schedule. That line goes through the Sainte-Rose, Vimont and de la Concorde stations. (N.P.)
translated by Alec Brideau