Author: Redaction Courrier Laval

One year ago, Montreal Comedian Charles Daghlian absolutely wanted to bring English comedy to his hometown of Laval, where it was non-existent for local residents. Having to make the perilously journey from Laval all the way downtown through snowstorms, construction cones and potholes to get his comedy fix, Charles believed there was a golden opportunity in providing English comedy on the North Shore. Along with the partnership of Sid Khullar of MTLComedyClub, he started Laval’s Got Jokes, a monthly English comedy show at the House of Jazz of Laval “to prove that his town of Laval is not only the…

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Invasive plants are more than just unsightly weeds. They can have significant economic, environmental and safety impacts. If you have ever inadvertently come into contact with giant hogweed or wild parsnip you will not forget the encounter anytime soon. The sap from these invasive plants is toxic to the skin and can cause severe irritation. Other invasive plants like phragmites, also known as common reed, can spread quickly and aggressively choke out native vegetation. This can be devastating for local ecosystems. While there are various options for controlling these plants, which can include mowing, flooding and compression, sometimes these steps…

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Thinking about a summer vacation but unsure where to start? This year, why not explore close to home and connect with nature. Here’s how to make the most of everything Canada has to offer with a more sustainable summer vacation. Go offline and get outside  For a truly refreshing and restorative staycation, disconnect for a few days without reaching for phones or laptops. Electronics can disrupt our circadian rhythm and natural sleep cycle. Consider morning salutations or meditation to connect with nature and set your intentions for the day. There are 37 national parks and 10 national park reserves in…

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The sense of smell is a powerful part of the human experience. It influences taste and even triggers emotions and memories. If your sense of smell is reduced or you’ve lost it completely that could be an early indicator of brain disease. The nose knows While temporary loss of smell is often linked to having a cold, COVID-19 or a respiratory virus, ongoing and progressive smell loss may be one of the most important signals of brain health and an early indicator for Parkinson’s disease. According to a research study sponsored by The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research…

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Most of us know that we should be recycling. It’s not a new concept. In fact, the curbside blue box program used for recycling in places around the world was first used in Kitchener, Ontario in the 1980s. However, some items always make the cut for curbside collection – but that doesn’t mean they aren’t recyclable. Here are a few handy examples: Carpet: Get it picked up Old carpeting is not typically accepted in regional blue box programs, but if you call the manufacturer or a local recycling company, they can often bring it to a depot. There it’s recycled…

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Whether you’re just starting out as an entrepreneur or have been running your own company for decades, there’s always room to level up your skills and improve your business. Here are some tips every owner needs to keep in mind: Culture counts. While company culture may sound like a buzzword used by a fad-obsessed tech giant, don’t be so quick to brush it off. Culture is a major contributor to job satisfaction, which in turn leads to increased productivity and profit. Make sure your business encourages teamwork, rewards effort and has a mission your employees can believe in. Learn the rules.…

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Looking for a way to recharge and bond with your closest friends? Planning a girls’ trip might be the perfect solution. Here are some tips to help you plan the ultimate girls’ getaway from travel expert Chelsy Briere of Canadian travel company Hosted Villas. First, where to? Consider a location that offers a variety of activities for everyone to enjoy, such as a beach resort, a spa retreat or a big city with plenty of nightlife. Next, choose a date that works for everyone and make sure your group has plenty of notice. This way everyone can clear their schedules…

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Summer camp is sometimes thought of as a rite of passage. It’s a time and place to make lifelong memories, have oodles of fun and develop independence, confidence and new skills. But don’t sweat if your kids aren’t attending this year – there are plenty of easy and affordable ways to create their very own summer camp experience at home. Pick a theme Choosing a theme is great way to get kids excited and it can join separate activities together into a cohesive camp experience – plus it just makes everything a lot more fun. Space camp, magicians, an enchanted…

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Sneezing, an itchy throat and scratchy, watery eyes are hallmarks of pollen season. Although they typically haunt allergy sufferers in spring and fall, some people face symptoms all year, even in summer. For those longer-term allergy sufferers, improving the quality of indoor air at home might help. Here are some easy steps to cleaner, fresher air at home: Prevent mould growth Mould spores in the air can cause an allergic reaction or a rise in allergy symptoms. Mould grows in moist environments, like bathrooms. To prevent its growth, check occasionally for leaks around your tub or shower. Ensure your bathroom…

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Planning your ideal holiday in Europe can be an exciting task, but with so many countries, cultures and attractions to choose from, it can be challenging to figure out where to begin. Here are some tips to get started from Chris Mark, the European destination expert with Canadian booking agency Hosted Villas. Money matters Before you start planning your trip, you need to determine how much you can afford to spend and when you can travel. Keep in mind that some countries are more expensive than others (especially in northern Europe), that cities are more expensive than the countryside and…

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