The French Language “Seriously Threatened” in Laval, Says the President of the SNQL Culture September 2, 2022 President of the Société nationale du Québec à Laval (SNQL), Jean Desautels did not fall out of his chair when…
Stéphane Boyer Publishes an Essay Culture September 1, 2022 Mayor of Laval Stéphane Boyer is publishing his essay “Neighbourhoods Without Cars” on Sept. 13, addressing the socio-economic and environmental…
LAVAL’S GOT JOKES Offers Local Residents a Good Time Culture August 31, 2022 Presented by Montreal Comedy Club, LAVAL’S GOT JOKES had its fifth comedy stand-up show last night. Fully in English, the…
A Laval Park in Romania Culture July 29, 2022 A town twinned with Laval since October 2007, the Romanian municipality of Botosani now has a green space marking this…
17 New Microbreweries at the Festival des bières Culture July 9, 2022 For the first time since 2019 because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Laval will have its Festival des bières, from July…